For many of us the term “aging” is a negative. Relative to our adult lives we want to avoid it, cover it, hide it, surgically modify it, and reverse it to stay youthful, vibrant, and beautiful.
When I googled “anti aging” the following terms came up:
Anti-aging cream
Anti-aging serum
Anti-aging supplements
Anti-aging skin care
Anti-aging foods
Anti-aging hand cream
Anti-aging eye cream
Anti-aging diet
Anti-aging facial
The definition of “anti-“ is opposed to, against; preventing or suppressing; reversing or undoing. The last time I checked none of us get out of this world alive. Sooner or later this “house” we live in goes poof.
We have grown into our years. We are likely smarter and wiser than our younger selves. The value of quality relationships is important to us. Instead of running away from aging how about we embrace it? We embrace our aging and the joy it can bring us. We consider ourselves similar to a fine red wine – that truly gets richer, bolder, and more robust with age…
Food for thought.