Below is a list of resources we find valuable.
Below is a list of resources we find valuable.
Tom Rath took the original work of Don Clifton and Marcus Buckingham and developed an accessible tool used in many organizations today to help groups and teams understand and leverage strengths. The book, Strengthfinder 2.0 is worth the access code for the test.
Martin Seligman is the "father" of Positive Psychology--the study of well-being; his research website provides a wealth of free assessments to create awareness and understanding--and to track your progress! Favorites include the VIA Character Strength assessment that connects to values, the PERMA test that will educate you on Dr. Seligman’s model for flourishing, and the Grit assessment that measures persistence and perseverance (linked to growth mindset).
For years science has punctuated the importance and value of focusing on strengths as you pursue meaning and work. Doing what you love AND what you are good at leads to happiness and fulfillment. Marcus Buckingham offers his strength profile for free on Sheryl Sandberg’s website.
OneDream is a great concept in Chicago that is also happening in other places; it is like “Make A Wish” for seniors.
Healthy Relationships are a key to resilience and well-being. Dr. Gary Chapman developed a tool that is helpful in understanding more about your preferences, and more importantly your partners’ preferences for behaviors that make them feel loved.
Healthways Well Being Index offers interesting granular statistics on well-being.
“We have the definitive well-being measurement instrument in the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being 5™, and we use it to help our clients understand the opportunities for improvement in their populations across the five key well-being elements: purpose, social, financial, community and physical. Then, we apply our comprehensive, highly configurable Well-Being Improvement Solution to keep healthy people healthy, mitigate lifestyle risk and optimize care.”