Program Outcomes

Mental & Physical

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Body & Physical

You get to choose the behaviors that will add more active years to your life. Study after study shows that if you exercise regularly, consume less food, eat a primarily plant-based diet, drink red wine in moderation, manage negative stress, sleep well, and move more, you will change the curve of your life experience.

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mental & cognitive

Neuroplasticity is widely studied now and proves that we can exercise our brain just as we exercise our bodies and that by doing so we will lengthen its healthy life. Choosing to exercise your brain by learning new things, stimulating your senses, practicing meditation, and incorporating new brain challenges are proven to reduce the likelihood that you will develop dementia or other types of cognitive decline as you age.

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value & purpose

We all need to have a reason to get up every morning. Having clarity about what we value most and what our strengths are will empower us to apply them. The people who live the longest with the most joy are those who feel a sense of purpose and commitment each day. What we value and what we define as our purpose isn’t relevant, what matters is that we have clarity and conviction.